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Dream ~ Inspirational 

There are thousands of inspirational quotes out there, many we like and many we dislike. Not all quotes are as inspirational as one might wish to believe, yet there are plenty in which we can depend on through the everchanging journey of our lives. Everyone has a few favourite quotes they like to refer to in times of struggle and need, when the world is getting you down and you need a pick-me-up, there is always something around the corner waiting to inspire you. If you take this Disney quote as an example, what do you think he means? If you are already someone who has a positive outlook on life, you will understand that anything is possible, if you try. However, if you are someone who holds negative views on everything involved in life, you will not assume you could succeed even if you do try. Perhaps this is true, perhaps even those who do try somehow manage to fail regardless, but the point still remains that they tried. If you lounge about and think everything will be handed to you in good time, you are very wrong. Those who do not put in a little effort toward achieving their goals will not receive the beauty of succeeding in them.

Consider this quote carefully, bookmark this post or save the image if you will. Think about all the possible meanings it could have and use it as your inspiration the next time you need a helping hand. There are plenty of us who struggle sometimes, whether it's making decisions and choosing the right path, or simply needing that extra boost to help us along. Just turn to your favourite quote and you will be surprised at the ideas it sets off inside your head. Many times has this worked and many times has it failed, but if you don't try, you will never ever know.

Journey ~ Inspirational 

Most people know that in order to begin a journey of any kind, we must first take a single step toward reaching our destination. This inspirational quote does not suggest anything less than that. If you wish to begin some form of journey, whether it be small or large in size, you must first realise that in order to achieve success, you have to put in a bit of effort. This would be similar to driving, in order to get the car moving, you have to turn on the ignition before the wheels in turn pull the car along. No matter what you are hoping for through this journey, if you fail to take the first step, you will not get very far and will most likely end up failing because you did not even try. As with our previous post about dreams, anything is possible if you give it your guidance.

When someone is in need of a shoulder to cry on or someone is struggling with something they know they cannot do, do you offer a helping hand? There are many ways in which we can explain clearly what this quote means, but those are just a few. If you find this one to be a poor description or you wish to expand on it's possible meanings, do an online search to fully understand what is required for a typical journey. Just remember that your journey could be anything in the world you want it to be, it could take you to the other side of the world, or it could help you cross the road. Wherever your journey begins, don't forget to take the first step, it will make it easier for you.

Time ~ Inspirational 

When you think about time, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Recently, I have been reading more about those who view time as entirely precious and wasting even a single moment is a danger to our soul. I'm in agreement, I have to say. When you consider those around you whom you love dearly, especially those you do not have the pleasure of spending time with as often as you would like, what does time mean to you then? Think about all of the times you have procrastinated, when it concerns loved ones. 

It is such a shame that we cannot develop our very own Neverland, a place for children and adults alike to spend forever with each other and never have to worry about growing up. This would be the perfect solution for those of us who are focused on something entirely different at the wrong time, a time when we desperately need to spend said moments with those who mean the most to us. In Neverland, if it exists (I'm a believer, are you?) I think that we would all benefit from making the wrong choices. No matter what we decide at any particular moment, there will always be time for it afterwards, because in Neverland, time does not truly exist. It is but a myth and therefore we would have nothing to worry about. Ask yourself this question and be more than honest, could you spend more of your time with those around you when it is supposed to happen? Or are you someone who puts things off till a later date and wonders why on earth you made such a decision? If this bothers you on a regular basis, it's time you did something about it. 

Imagine that we do live in a world called Neverland. Imagine that we have all of the time in the world, time to do the things we want to do after we have done what is most important. Make family, friends and all your loved ones a priority in your life. You never know how long it may be until you get to see them again.
Little Things ~ Inspirational 
So many of us have forgotten how to appreciate the less obvious things in life, such as every single thing on a list of what you know you love. This can vary depending on the type of person you are, but here are a few to give you some ideas:
  • A song
  • A movie
  • A good book
  • A hug
  • A helping hand
  • Loved ones
  • The weather
  • Delicious food
  • A hobby
  • A smile
The above list are a few examples of what we experience at least a few times throughout our lives, yet we never really pay enough attention. We are missing out on the little things that add up and make life special, the things that we see as barely anything, but they are quite the opposite. If you have your very own list of the little things in life that make you happy, please share in the comments.
Real Axl Rose 
If you enjoy reading and listening to what the media produce then more fool you. There is a difference between having your own opinion and simply using other opinions to form your own. In no way can we tell exactly what anyone is like behind closed doors, but one thing we cannot do is judge those we know next to nothing about. That is all I ever see regarding Axl Rose and it's completely unfair on him. Would you like going about your life knowing there are thousands of people out there who have this undying hatred toward you simply because they picked up a newpaper and read a piece of fiction? No, I don't believe you would.

Luckily enough there are still die hard fans who will defend their favourite celebrities and rightly so. I can admit that I'm one of them as there's a quote that has been lingering for a while as it seems to convey what a fan really is. An attack on my idol is an attack on myself. To me and many others this statement rings true and I like to use it everywhere I can.

Some people would now like to believe that those who admire and adore certain celebrities that much must be completely mental and have no life. This is also untrue. When you find reasons to like another person it doesn't suggest that your entire life revolves around them, unless of course you would like it to as is the case with some relationships. Admiring a celebrity for what they do and who they are is more than acceptable as plenty of people out there act the same towards those who are not of fame and fortune. What difference does it make just because they are known all over the universe? It makes no difference at all.

I can't count the number of times I have gone over all of these factors but it does become highly frustrating. To know there are incredibly stubborn people out there who refuse to accept the way some people act toward celebrities is ridiculous. It's almost like a religion. They practically live by everything the media tells them and not once do they think to examine the claims in order to express their own thoughts and opinions on whatever junk they decide to publish. I have yet to meet anyone genuine who is in some way connected to the media, it seems they are all out for money and that's that.

Why Axl? one of the most disliked celebrities in the world thanks to all the crap that's printed about him. They also had a good laugh poking fun at Michael Jackson for many years of his life because he was different. In all honesty, what kind of thrills do they receive from doing all this to innocent people? The only answer I can come up with, again, is money. They print false stories about perfectly innocent people merely to pay the bills and off they go to the bank with a satisfied smile on their faces. But how long will that happiness last when you compare time and money? You have to understand that eventually, the guilt is going to build up until it is too much to bear, then what happens? You regret everything.

No one is ever truly rewarded for being a fool or an inconsiderate, dumb human being. Perhaps they get all they want right now, but years down the line it all goes to shit. I just wanted to give my thoughts on the matter, defending Axl Rose is something I enjoy doing as I have the grounds and information I need in order to be successful with it.

Boost Your Creativity 

As a writer, it can often be difficult to find the topic that is going to interest your readers, as much as it is going to interest you whilst writing about it. Many writers, no matter their area of expertise, will sometimes struggle to find inspiration and thus become highly frustrated and go days, weeks or even months at a time delaying what they in fact should have written, without problems. There are strangely quite a few people out there who don't believe in the term writers block and think it is just an excuse made by writers in order for them to postpone working and focus on other aspects of their lives instead. If you feel you are currently having trouble finding the right form of inspiration to get your creative juices flowing, browse through the list below, there's bound to be something that will be of use to you and your lost in a maze creativeness!

News Sites

This is one of the best ways to gain a whole load of traffic toward your blog or website, especially if you are a writer who focuses on Journalism. It is also a great start if you're looking for inspiration to begin writing your article, story, poem or other forms of the profession. There are thousands of news sites all over the web, all you have to do is browse the one's that fit into the category you're wanting to broadcast in your own words and you're off. Your best bets for regularly updated news headlines are Google News, Yahoo News, CNN News and ABC News.


If you're someone who enjoys all forms of entertainment then this is definitely your first stop, you'll have more ideas than you can handle following this one through. Whether you enjoy watching a movie, a tv show or you find interest in listening to your favourite artist, you can surely find the right inspiration through one of those, if not all at the same time. The best place to visit would be Youtube if you want to try and find that soap, movie or track. There are many other options of which sites work for you when it comes to media related activities, but you can't fail with youtube.


If you have friends or people around you who also share an interest in or like for writing, why not ask to view some of their work to inspire your own. There could be endless possibilities and a fantastic outcome if your brain notices something it likes through anothers writing, that spark or lightbulb is merely moments away if you opt for this method. Give it a try, even if you don't know many people who share your interests, there are a whole load of websites you could join to find those people. If you are a poet I would recommend Writers Network, if you are more of a novelist I would recommend Story Write, or if you simply spend your time writing articles I'd recommend one or all of the following: HubPages, Helium, Triond, Squidoo and Article Income.